Will I be able to manage the entire course in such a short time? Is scoring an A* practical and possible for me? How much do I need to learn? Is studying from textbook important or notes? How much do I need to write in the exam? I understand the topics but I get stuck when solving the past papers!
If all the above-mentioned concerns sound familiar then you are at the right place. This course will take you through a journey of mastering the art of learning what to know and how much to know for you to ace the maximum grade.
Enrolling in this course will not only ensure an A* but also give you a worthwhile educational experience beyond what is normally expected. These are not mere claims but have manifested in the excellent results produced by my students over the course of years. Dive with me deep into the course to unleash your true potential and conquer the world of Biology and achieve your dream of scoring A* in your Exam!
1min 49min to 13min 30 sec
13min 30 sec to 30min 22 sec
30min 22 sec to 32min 21 sec
5min 50 sec to 15min 40 sec
15min 40 sec to 22min 51 sec
22min 51 sec to 39min 48 sec
2min 10 sec to 8min 57 sec
8min 57 sec to 18min 35 sec
18min 35 sec to End of Video
4min 48 sec to 12min 50 sec
12min 50 sec to 16min 10 sec
19min 14sec to 22min 55sec
22min 55 sec to End of Video
2min 15 sec to 15min 44 sec
15min 44 sec to 14min 40 sec
14min 40 sec to 24min 2 sec
24min 2 sec to 32min 6 sec
5min 40 sec to 8min 35 sec
8min 35 sec to 16min
16min to 20 min 38 sec
20min 38 sec to End of Video
1min 45 sec to 12min 7sec
12min 7 sec to 21min 29 seconds
21min 29 sec to -24min 37 sec
24min 37 sec to 28min 4 sec
3min 57 sec to 6min 20 sec
6min 20 to 9min 27 sec
9min 27 sec to 14min 55 sec
14min 55 sec to 17min 37 sec
17min 37 sec to 20min 10 sec
20min 10sec to 25min 36 sec
25min 36sec to 36min 22 sec
1min 2 sec to 15min
1min to 27min 16 sec
1min 22 sec to 11min 44 sec
11min 44 sec to 22min 48 sec
4min 3 sec to 10min 22 sec
10min 22 sec to 22min 8 sec
22min 8 sec to 30min 40 sec